Green STEM Careers



We work with industry professionals and can bring them live into your classroom. This is a chance to break down children’s misconceptions about STEM careers and the people who do them. We will explore what they do in their job, the skills they need to do their job and what they were good at at school.


Many children do not know anyone who works in a STEM career and have no idea how to go about following such a career path.

If you are able to spend half an hour preparing and another half an hour chatting to young people on a live webinar to discuss your job and skill set, and the reasons you like what you do and how different it is from common perceptions, please contact us.

Our Green STEM Careers Hub

We are building a resource page for young people to learn more about Green STEM careers and the people who work in them.

We aim to cover a wide range of jobs and skill sets and people from different stages and ages of their career.

We are looking for industry professionals to volunteer.